var TNSMI; (function (TNSMI) { var AdScope; (function (AdScope) { var ClientUI; (function (ClientUI) { var Web; (function (Web) { var SecurityTS; (function (SecurityTS) { var i18n; (function (i18n) { 'use strict'; var SecurityAppStrings = (function () { function SecurityAppStrings() { this.StringsTable = {}; this.SelectedLanguage = 'en';this.StringsTable['CreatePassword'] = 'Create Your New Password'; this.StringsTable['CancelButtonText'] = 'Cancel'; this.StringsTable['ResetPswError'] = '{{errorMessage}}'; this.StringsTable['CompanyName'] = '*Company name'; this.StringsTable['QuestionsComments'] = 'Questions/Comments'; this.StringsTable['RegistrationFirstName'] = '{{firstName}}'; this.StringsTable['AllSet'] = 'You’re all set! An AdScope Representative will be in touch shortly.'; this.StringsTable['ContinueButtonText'] = 'Continue'; this.StringsTable['LoginErrorMessage'] = '{{errorMessage}}'; this.StringsTable['EmailAddress'] = 'Email'; this.StringsTable['PsdAssistance'] = 'Password Assistance'; this.StringsTable['LoginButtonText'] = 'Log In'; this.StringsTable['RegisterForAdscope'] = 'Register For AdScope'; this.StringsTable['EnterPassword'] = 'Please enter your new password below:'; this.StringsTable['ForgotPassword'] = 'Forgot your password?'; this.StringsTable['ChangePasswordButtonText'] = 'Change Password'; this.StringsTable['PasswordResetRequest'] = 'An email was sent to the address entered. The email will contain instructions on how to reset your password. If you do not receive an email, please check your junk or spam folders. If you still need assistance, please contact our help desk at 1-800-497-8450.'; this.StringsTable['ThankYou'] = 'Thank you for your interest! Please fill out your information and a representative will contact you shortly.'; this.StringsTable['ChangePswError'] = '{{errorMessage}}'; this.StringsTable['RequiredField'] = '*Required Field'; this.StringsTable['AdScopeLogin'] = 'AdScope Login'; this.StringsTable['NewtoAdScope'] = 'New to AdScope?'; this.StringsTable['Password'] = 'Password'; this.StringsTable['SubmitRequest'] = 'Submitting requestplease wait.'; this.StringsTable['LoginSuccessMessage'] = '{{successMessage}}'; this.StringsTable['ConfirmNewPassword'] = 'Confirm New Password:'; this.StringsTable['InstructionMessage'] = '{{instruction}}'; this.StringsTable['ResetPswSuccess'] = '{{successMessage}}'; this.StringsTable['OldPassword'] = 'Old Password:'; this.StringsTable['Email'] = '*Email'; this.StringsTable['LoginName'] = 'Login name:'; this.StringsTable['Click'] = 'Click here'; this.StringsTable['Phone'] = '*Phone'; this.StringsTable['RegistrationLastName'] = '{{lastName}}'; this.StringsTable['SubmitButtonText'] = 'Submit'; this.StringsTable['UserName'] = 'User name'; this.StringsTable['LastName'] = '*Last name'; this.StringsTable['FogetPasswordError'] = '{{errorMessage}}'; this.StringsTable['ChangePswSuccess'] = '{{successMessage}}'; this.StringsTable['RegisterButtonTooltip'] = 'Click to register'; this.StringsTable['RegisterButtonText'] = 'Register'; this.StringsTable['CancelButtonTooltip'] = 'Click to login to AdScope'; this.StringsTable['FirstName'] = '*First name'; this.StringsTable['ClearButtonText'] = 'Clear'; this.StringsTable['ClickHere'] = 'Click Here to Register'; this.StringsTable['RegistrationError'] = '{{errorMessage}}'; this.StringsTable['SubmitButtonTooltip'] = 'Submit request'; this.StringsTable['EnterUsernamePassword'] = 'Please enter username and password.'; this.StringsTable['BackButtonText'] = 'Back'; this.StringsTable['BackButtonTooltip'] = 'Back To Login'; this.StringsTable['LoginButtonTooltip'] = 'Click to login to AdScope'; this.StringsTable['toRegister'] = 'to Register'; this.StringsTable['NewPassword'] = 'New Password:'; this.StringsTable['ContinueButtonTooltip'] = 'Change password and login to AdScope'; this.StringsTable['ConfirmPassword'] = 'Reenter New Password:'; this.StringsTable['ChangePasswordButtonTooltip'] = 'Click to Change Password'; this.StringsTable['RegistrationSent'] = 'Registration Sent'; this.StringsTable['toLearn'] = 'to learn more about vivvix products.'; this.StringsTable['ResetPasswordInstructions'] = 'Please enter the email address associated with your account, then click "Submit". We will send you a link to a page where you can easily create your new password.'; this.StringsTable['Dear'] = 'Dear'; } return SecurityAppStrings; })(); i18n.SecurityAppStrings = SecurityAppStrings; })(i18n = SecurityTS.i18n || (SecurityTS.i18n = {})); })(SecurityTS = Web.SecurityTS || (Web.SecurityTS = {})); })(Web = ClientUI.Web || (ClientUI.Web = {})); })(ClientUI = AdScope.ClientUI || (AdScope.ClientUI = {})); })(AdScope = TNSMI.AdScope || (TNSMI.AdScope = {})); })(TNSMI || (TNSMI = {})); var TNSMI_AdScope_ClientUI_Web_SecurityTS_i18n_SecurityAppStrings = new TNSMI.AdScope.ClientUI.Web.SecurityTS.i18n.SecurityAppStrings();